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Partial with Free Variables — Smooth CoffeeScript

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Partial function application with free variables

Partial function application is presented in Smooth CoffeeScript partial application. It is a way to create a function from another function where the first arguments are filled in. With the new function we can then ignore those arguments so subsequent calls become easier to read and write.

It is not always the case that arguments are so nicely ordered that it is the first ones that need to be held constant. To handle the general case with arbitrary arguments, a special symbol1 can designate free variables i.e. those arguments that are not fixed.

In the code below2 the movement function is inspired by the canvas function bezierCurveTo. It takes nine arguments, clearly outdoing bezierCurveTo’s measly six arguments. When calling such a function from many places, several of the arguments may well be the same.

draw = (ctx) -> # Try changing colors below
ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'gold'
drawMove ctx, (ix for ix in [0...90] by 10)
ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = 'salmon'
drawPath ctx, (ix for ix in [0...90] by 10)

movement = (ctx, ax, ay, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) ->
ctx.moveTo ax, ay
ctx.bezierCurveTo cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y

drawMove = (ctx, args) ->
args.forEach (ix) -> movement ctx,
0, 0, 30, 30, 150+ix, 50, 110+ix, 90


A wrapper function swirl that takes only those arguments that might change can cut down on the repetition. The partialFree function returns a new function when given a function, its fixed arguments and the placeholder symbol for the variable arguments.

_ = undefined
partialFree = (func, a...) -> (b...) ->
func (for arg in a then arg ?= b.shift())...

swirl = partialFree movement, _, _, 0, 30, 30, _, 50, _, 90

drawPath = (ctx, args) ->
args.forEach (ix) -> swirl ctx, 200, 150+ix, 110+ix

Prior Art

Where did the definition of partialFree come from? It started with a search for existing implementations. The search eventually turned up this JavaScript version from Angus Croll’s blog.

window.___ = {}; //argument placeholder

Function.prototype.partial = function() {
if (arguments.length<1) {
//nothing to pre-assign - return the function as is
return this;
var __method = this;
var args = arguments;
return function() {
//build up new arg list, for placeholders use current arg,
//otherwise copy original args
var argIndex = 0, myArgs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
myArgs[i] = window.___==args[i] ?
arguments[argIndex++] : args[i];
return __method.apply(this, myArgs);

And this CoffeeScript version from Mirotin.

_ = {}
partial15lines = () ->
[func, args...] = arguments
wrapper = () ->
i = 0
j = 0
res_args = []
while i < args.length
if args[i] == _
res_args.push arguments[j]
res_args.push args[i]
return func.apply null, res_args

Stepwise CoffeeScript Improvements

Those implementations are fine and usable as they are. But here comes one of the most fun activities in CoffeeScript: code reduction. It is also useful because less code makes maintenance easier — up to a point — too clever tricks and the code can become harder to understand. In the following line of code reductions, which one would you choose as the best balance between brevity and readability?

In partial15lines there are some redundant words that can be removed. The use of arguments can also be replaced with a splat ...

_ = {}
partial12lines = (func, args...) ->
(moreargs...) ->
i = j = 0
res_args = []
while i < args.length
if args[i] == _
res_args.push moreargs[j++]
res_args.push args[i]
func.apply null, res_args

In CoffeeScript while is an expression that returns the value of its inner block, so there is no need for pushing values to a results array.

_ = {}
partial10lines = (func, args...) ->
(moreargs...) ->
i = j = 0
func.apply null,
while i++ < args.length
if args[i-1] == _

A for loop instead of the while gets rid of the length check. A splat can also be used in a call which eliminates the apply. The old school == can be replaced with is.

_ = {}
partial8lines = (func, a...) -> (b...) ->
i = 0
func (for arg in a
if arg is _

The low level counter i is only used to get the next argument from b. The same effect can be achieved by treating b as a LIFO (Last In First Out) buffer. To do that b has to be reversed.

_ = {}
partial5lines = (func, a...) -> (b...) ->
func (for arg in a
if arg is _ then b.pop() else arg)...

Instead of using an empty object as the placeholder, using undefined allows the if test to be replaced with an existential assignment ?=.

_ = undefined
partial4lines = (func, a...) -> (b...) ->
func (for arg in a then arg ?= b.pop())...

Reversing the b... arguments are only required because pop returns the last element. Noé Rubinstein joined the code reduction fun by noticing that the Array::shift function removes and returns the first argument.

_ = undefined
partial3lines = (func, a...) -> (b...) ->
func (for arg in a then arg ?= b.shift())...


A couple of test cases and an example of partial. In the interactive HTML5 you can try substituting the number in partial3lines to test the other versions.

test = ->
f = (x, y, z) -> x + 2*y + 5*z
g = partialFree f, _, 1, _
show "g 3, 5 => #{g 3, 5} Expected: 30"

# Modified from an alexkg example
fold = (f, z, xs) ->
z = f(z, x) for x in xs
max = partialFree fold, Math.max, -Infinity, _
show "max [-10..10] => #{max [-10..10]} Expected: 10"

# Without free vars
partial = (f, a...) -> (b...) -> f a..., b...
min = partial fold, Math.min, Infinity
show "min [-10..10] => #{min [-10..10]} Expected: -10"
partialFree = partial3lines

Formats CoffeeScript Markdown PDF HTML

License Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike by autotelicum © 2554/2011

  1. In the examples underscore _ is used. You may want to choose another symbol to avoid clashes with commonly used libraries such as Underscore.

  2. To run this example standalone you can prepend this CoffeeKup CoffeeScript:

    show = if exports? then console.log else alert
    (require 'fs').writeFileSync "./bezier.html",
      webpage = (require 'coffeekup').render -> 
        doctype 5
        html -> meta charset: 'utf-8',
          head -> title 'Bezier path'
          body -> 
            canvas id: 'drawCanvas', width: 300, height: 200
            coffeescript ->
              window.onload = ->
                canvas = document.getElementById 'drawCanvas'
                ctx = canvas.getContext '2d'
                alert 'No canvas in this browser.' unless ctx?
                draw ctx if draw?